
Archive for December, 2006

I was in the hospital

I had to go to the hospital this morning about 4:00am.
I had been bedfast for about 5 days.  I have the flu.  Only, I don’t
pop out of things like people should.  I keep going down and down until
it is necessary to go get pumped up.
My oxygen level was 88.  My potassiun and sodium were low.. So, they
got my oxygen going, put in an IV and started steroids, antibiotics, and
other stuff.  It took a while, but it has worked well.  I came back home
around 8:00am, slept a while, and now (for the first time in all these days)
I can be up and walking around.  I am trying to catch up on the 500+ emails.
If you can, get the flu shot.  If you can’t, don’t go out in places with lots of people.
This flu is raging, and everyone says everyone has it.
I got it from  my granddaughter. We visited their house weekend before this
last one.  She had this.  Of course, I sat with her, read to her, we made up stories,
and I was very close to her.  Thus, when we came home, I started the aches and fever.
Now, the mother, the oldest son, and the youngest son has it.  Bummer for the
Christmas season.
My prayer is that it won’t hit you or any of your families and spoil the
Christmas weekend.

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Is There Room?

The Christmas season is in full swing.  Many people are spending a lot of time shopping and preparing the feast. Wrapping presents is my worst thing to do.
"And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped Him in swaddling
clothes, and laid Him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn."
St.Luke 2:7
During the Christmas season, people fill their lives with all that pertains to giving of gifts. And this is good.  Gifts represent the greatest gift from our Father in Heaven — His Son.
But while people fill their hearts and use their time to shop, decorate, cook, etc. they often miss the real reason for the season.
The Heavenly Father wanted us to learn from the above verse.  When the most important person ever to be born came into the town of Bethlehem in His mother’s womb, there was no room for them. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Every room had been taken.  But, they found a place in a stable. A manger was there. And there, our blest Jesus was born.
Is there room in your heart for Jesus at this time of year?  Does He lead you in all you do?  Or, is there "no room" for Him in your thinking right now.  Without Him, Christmas would be meaningless. 
As you go about the necessary tasks of getting ready for Christmas, please remind your children and everyone you know that Jesus is the reason for the season.  On Christmas, whenever you have your feast.  Take time to sit down with the family and read the Christmas story in Luke.  It is hard for my family to sit down for this, but it is the one
thing I insist on.  Explain to your family that the gifts represent the greatest gift– Jesus. And tell them that the tree, with its branches reaching high, represent the arms of His saved ones – reaching up to Him. And the star represents the star that the wise men saw, and they came to see the new King.
Children learn best with a song. So, I added some verses to the Happy Birthday song. Teach this to your children, and they will never forget it.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Jesus,
Happy Birthday to YOU.
You came down to earth,
You came down to earth,
You came down to earth,
Cause you love us so much.
We thank you Lord Jesus,
We thank you Lord Jesus,
We thank you Lord Jesus,
               Cause you love us so much.©Sandy Davis
repeat the first verse.

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